Full Day Enrichment Program
Full Day Enrichment Programming is designed to be a convenient and helpful service to WT families and to provide a warm and nurturing environment for young children.
The full day programs will be held in Room 112 of Molloy Posner Hall between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Families must register in advance.
A relaxed, fun, and challenging day will be planned with ample opportunity for free play. There will also be themed, organized activities. Please have your child dressed appropriately for outside play (no uniform required). A morning and afternoon snack will be provided, but children must bring a bag lunch and a drink.
There will be no regular bus and van transportation on full day enrichment program days.
The full day programs and Staycations are open to all students in Pre-K – grade 5 and the price per day is $65. Families must register for these programs in advance. Late registrations will incur an automatic fee of $15. Full day enrichment programs are very similar to a "camp experience" and include special field trips, featured guests, and hands-on projects.
For questions about Extended Day programming, please contact Annie Tritsch, Director of Programs, at TrischA@winchesterthurston.org.