Middle School Curriculum

WT's private middle school in Pittsburgh inspires future leaders by holding students to high standards and challenging them through a rigorous middle school curriculum. The knowledgeable and supportive faculty understands and responds to the unique needs of adolescents, fostering in each student a sense of confidence, ethics, responsibility, and respect for others that will continue into the Upper School years.

Academic Life
middle school academicsThe school day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. Our schedule runs on a six-day rotation with core academic classes (foreign language, language arts, math, science, and social studies) meeting every other day for the entire year. Throughout the six-day rotation, students also take required courses in performing arts (dance, drama, music, computer science, and health), physical education, and visual arts as part of the middle school curriculum. Academic courses meet every other day for 80 minutes. The schedule also includes CORE (Collaborate, Organize, Review, Engage) periods in which students are with their advisory group and can prepare assignments, review class notes, complete homework, and meet with teachers for additional help in their classes.

Electives and Ensembles
In addition to our required middle school curriculum, the Middle School offers academic electives and performing ensembles for students. Students are required to participate in three elective courses per trimester. The academic electives meet for trimesters or for the entire year. Performing ensembles meet for the entire school year, and students are required to participate for the year if they join an ensemble. Registration for middle school electives and ensembles occurs at the beginning of each trimester.

middle school students interactingProgress Reports and Grades
The Middle School runs on a trimester system. Parents receive progress reports from each subject teacher in the middle of the first and second trimesters and a final grade report at the end of each trimester. On the progress report, Middle School teachers summarize the trimester activities and address each student’s specific strengths and areas that require improvement.

Student Life
Along with our regular middle school curriculum, our Middle School offers many extracurricular activities including student government, competitive team sports, class trips, community service, performing arts, academic competition teams, and student publications.