WT Smart Facts

Fact Box

Front Side: to edit the text, click on "gear" icon in the content element. Click on Design to expand the header and footer content area. You'll notice that the custom class is factBox-front - be sure this class is always defined with factBox-front. In the footer content, edit the text. Save, close settings.

On some of the Facts, the text is larger (see 45+ Middle School Electives). Highlight the text, from the Styles pull down menu, choose "20px" to apply a larger font size to the highlighted text. Best if used for individual words to show emphasis.

Families from 74 zip codes: This format is slightly different than the others. To edit, the first block of text, "Families from" is edited in the Edit Content box and has the italic attribute applied. For this block of text to align to the left of the number, it is important to make sure the italic attribute is applied to it, but not the number. The remaining text - "zip codes" can be edited in the Content Element settings, in the Footer Content.

To edit the number, click on the box labeled Edit Content. Edit number, Save.

Back Side: This box is just below the Front Side. Click on the box labeled Edit Content, edit text, Save.


of WT faculty members have advanced degrees


Middle School electives
offered each trimester


City as Our Campus

ALL Divisions

Offer independent
research opportunities
for students.


of parents
recommend WT

60 +

students present in the
annual STEM Symposium

