Named Scholarships
Exemplary applicants applying to grades six through 12 are eligible to receive need-based grants in the form of named scholarships.
While such an award confers special recognition and honor, the dollar amount of the award is based upon family need calculated through the financial aid process.
- Mimi Burke Endowment Fund
- The Catalyst Fund for WT Scholars
- Cyert Family Scholar
- EQT Fund for WT Scholars
- Malone Family Foundation Malone Scholars Program
- Connie Blum Marstine Scholarship Fund
- Bee Jee and Perry Morrison Scholarship Fund
- Posner Financial Aid Endowment Fund
- John A. and Patricia D. Staley Family Scholarship Fund
- Mary Houston Griffin Scholarship
- Hilda M. Willis Scholarship
- D. Barbara Abney '52 Fund
- FAME Scholarship
- Middle School Scholarship
- Lower School Scholarship
Mimi Burke Endowment Fund
The Catalyst Fund for WT Scholars
Cyert Family Scholar
EQT Fund for WT Scholars
Malone Family Foundation Malone Scholars Program
Connie Blum Marstine Scholarship Fund
Bee Jee and Perry Morrison Scholarship Fund
Posner Financial Aid Endowment Fund
John A. and Patricia D. Staley Family Scholarship Fund
Mary Houston Griffin Scholarship
Hilda M. Willis Scholarship
D. Barbara Abney '52 Fund
FAME Scholarship
Middle School Scholarship
Lower School Scholarship
Request Information
Apply Now
Contact Us
555 Morewood AvePittsburgh, PA 15213
P: 412-578-7500
F: 412-578-7504