A Culture of Continuous Learning

As a top private school in Pittsburgh, Winchester Thurston School faculty members regularly attend and present at prestigious professional development programs. Take a look at recent highlights below.

Community-Based Learning
Winchester Thurston School hosted the coLearn conference, a hands-on conference for other independent school educators which provided best practices, program implementation models, and methods of measuring impact in community-based learning programs.

Equity and Inclusion
Faculty and administration across all divisions attended a broad range of conferences on issues of equity and inclusion in support of the school's moral imperative to be courageous and intentional about these issues. Conferences included: National Diversity Practitioner's Institute, Diversity Directions, Multi-cultural Teaching Institute, and the National Association of Independent School's People of Color Conference.

Online Education
Five WT teachers (more than any other independent school in the country) presented at the Online Education strategies for Independent Schools (OESIS) Conference in Boston spanning topics from Lower School social sciences and writing to computer science, entrepreneurship, orthotics and design development, and reservoir science and design development.

Four WT educators attended the Making Caring common Conference at Harvard University as part of WT's continued focus on creating a culture of well-being.

WT administrators led a workshop, Critical Decisions, at a recent National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) annual conference. The session explored ways for school leaders to determine their leadership style, to strengthen their position as school leaders, and to discover methods to address difficult decisions.

Faculty Development
WT's groundbreaking work in faculty formative development was recognized in Independent School magazine as a model for other independent schools.