
All science offerings place emphasis on the comprehension and application of modern scientific concepts and on the scientific processes used by scientists to learn new information. In addition to the required courses which cover the study of physics, biology, and chemistry, the science department has developed rigorous project-based courses that allow students to dive deeper into areas of science and/or to develop extensive research, engineering, and design projects that are student-centered. Current offerings include Biotechnology, Altruistic Engineering and Design, and Astronomy.

All courses are developed around the following unifying competencies: use of scientific equipment and experimental design, application of scientific concepts, collection and analysis of quantitative data, use of data analysis to drive predictions, and proper methods to communicate scientific information.

Courses for the 2022-2023 school year:

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City Campus
555 Morewood Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
P: 412-578-7500
F: 412-578-7504